staking4ADA — Pool Updates
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Low fee, solar powered Cardano stakepools.
reliable staking for all wallet sizes.
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Epoch 490 Result
4ADA: 81% 28/29) - 1 lost slot battle
F4ADA: 115% (11/11) - 2 slot battles won

Rewards payment (from ep489 result)
4ADA: 86%
F4ADA: 31% (all blocks successfully minted)

Epoch 491 max rewards
4ADA: 111% 😄
F4ADA: 94% 😐

Happy staking! ☀️
Epoch 491 Result
4ADA: 108% 37/38) - 1 lost slot battle
F4ADA: 94% (9/9) - 1 slot battle won

Rewards payment (from ep490 result)
4ADA: 81%
F4ADA: 115%

Epoch 492 max rewards
4ADA: 117% 😄
F4ADA: 126% 🥳

Happy staking! ☀️
Remember, investing is a game where value flows from the less patient to the more patient...
Epoch 492 Result
4ADA: 117% 40/40) - 1 won slot battle
F4ADA: 126% (12/12) - no battles

Rewards payment (from ep491 result)
4ADA: 108%
F4ADA: 94%

Epoch 493 max rewards
4ADA: 119% 😄
F4ADA: 116% 😁

Happy staking! ☀️
Epoch 493 Result
4ADA: 113% 38/40) - 2 slot battles lost
F4ADA: 97% (11/12) - 1 slot missed due to slow restart of backup node during the DDOS-event (re-starting took 25 minutes instead of usual 4). In hindsight restarting wasn't really necessary but we didn't want to take any risk and slow restarts weren't known yet 💀)

Rewards payment (from ep492 result)
4ADA: 117%
F4ADA: 126%

Epoch 494 max rewards
4ADA: 115% 😄
F4ADA: 63% 😤

Happy staking! ☀️
Epoch 494 Result
4ADA: 115% 38/38) - no battles
F4ADA: 63% (6/6) - no battles

Rewards payment (from ep493 result)
4ADA: 113%
F4ADA: 97%

Epoch 495 max rewards
4ADA: 76% 😒
F4ADA: 117% 😃

Happy staking! ☀️
Epoch 495 Result
4ADA: 73% 24/25) - 1 lost slot battle
F4ADA: 106% (10/11) - 1 lost slot battle

Rewards payment (from ep494 result)
4ADA: 115%
F4ADA: 63% (all assigned slots successfully minted)

Epoch 496 max rewards
4ADA: 101% 😁
F4ADA: 96% 🙂

Happy staking and a warm welcome to all new delegators! ☀️
Epoch 496 Result
4ADA: 98% (33/34) - 1 lost slot battle
F4ADA: 96% (9/9) - no battles

Rewards payment (from ep495 result)
4ADA: 73%
F4ADA: 106%

Epoch 497 max rewards
4ADA: 94% 😐
F4ADA: 64% 😣

Happy staking!☀️
Epoch 497 Result
4ADA: 94% (32/32) - 1 won slot battle
F4ADA: 64% (6/6) - no battles

Rewards payment (from ep496 result)
4ADA: 98%
F4ADA: 96%

Epoch 498 max rewards
4ADA: 134% 🥳
F4ADA: 139% 🥳

Happy staking!☀️
Epoch 498 Result
4ADA: 128% (43/45) - 2 lost slot battles
F4ADA: 128% (12/13) - 1 lost slot battle

Rewards payment (from ep497 result)
4ADA: 94% (all slots successfully minted)
F4ADA: 64% (all slots successfully minted)

Epoch 499 max rewards
4ADA: 98% 🙂
F4ADA: 86% ☹️

Happy staking! 💫
Epoch 499 Result
4ADA: 95% (32/33) - 1 won slot battle, 1 block orphaned due to a slow pool scheduled 1 second before us and propagating its block too late.
F4ADA: 86% (8/8) - no battles

Rewards payment (from ep498 result)
4ADA: 128%
F4ADA: 128%

Epoch 500 max rewards
4ADA: 110% 😁
F4ADA: 182% 🤩

Have a great 500th epoch, with comfortable rewards for 4ADA and almost double rewards for F4ADA! 💫
Epoch 500 Result
4ADA: 106% (36/37) - 1 won slot battle, 1 lost slot battle
F4ADA: 182% (17/17) - no battles

Rewards payment (from ep499 result)
4ADA: 95%
F4ADA: 86%

Epoch 501 max rewards
4ADA: 110% 😁
F4ADA: 108% 😁

Happy Staking! 💫
Epoch 501 Result
4ADA: 101% (35/37) - 2 lost slot battles
F4ADA: 100% (9/10) - 1 lost slot battle

Rewards payment (from ep500 result)
4ADA: 106%
F4ADA: 182%

Epoch 502 max rewards
4ADA: 125% 🥳
F4ADA: 143% 😍

Happy Staking! 💫

P.S. due to holidays we're a bit late with our epoch report every now and then, but no worries, the pools are under strict surveillance 24/7. In fact, we're now ready for Chang HF as all of our relays and block producers are upgraded to the latest version.💪
Epoch 502 Result
4ADA: 120% (41/42) - 1 lost slot battles, 2 won slot battles
F4ADA: 143% (13/13) - 1 won slot battle

Rewards payment (from ep501 result)
4ADA: 101%
F4ADA: 100%

Epoch 503 max rewards
4ADA: 110% 🥳
F4ADA: 131% 😍

Both pools are currently on a fantastic streak, for what it's worth as some decent price action would make a much bigger difference. We're not in it for the money really aren't we? Happy Staking! 💫
Epoch 504 Result
4ADA: 152% (51/51) - 1 won slot battle
F4ADA: 77% (7/7) - no battles

Rewards payment (from ep503 result)
4ADA: 104%
F4ADA: 131%

Epoch 505 max rewards
4ADA: 113% 😃
F4ADA: 118% 😃

Since we started minting blocks during the very first shelley-epoch on mainnet, just over 4 years ago [wháát has it been 4 years already?—yes it has!] , we never missed an epoch report ...until epoch 503. Sorry for that folks! We're on vacation and it somehow just slipped through 😁. Pools have been and still are minting flawlessly though. We're ready to hardfork!!

Happy staking ☀️
Haha, I now see it. Turns out we never missed epoch 503—it's there, i just posted it in the pool talk channel instead of the Pool Updates channel 🤦‍♂️
Epoch 505 Result (projection with 2 slots to go)
4ADA: 113% (38/38) - no battles
F4ADA: 118% (11/11) - no battles

Rewards payment (from ep504 result)
4ADA: 152%
F4ADA: 77% (all slots successfully minted)

Epoch 506 max rewards
4ADA: 95% 🙂
F4ADA: 118% 😃

Happy staking! ☀️
Epoch 506 Result
4ADA: 89% (30/32) - two lost slot battles
F4ADA: 118% (11/11) - no battles

Rewards payment (from ep505 result)
4ADA: 113%
F4ADA: 118%

Epoch 507 max rewards
4ADA: 89% 😐
F4ADA: 86% 😏

Happy Chang everyone! A few hours ago we successfully and smoothly stepped into full decentralization, and 4ADA minted the 10th block in the new Conway era 🥳 :

Upwards and always onwards—happy staking! ☀️
Epoch 507 Result
4ADA: 89% (30/30) - 1 slot battle won
F4ADA: 86% (8/8) - 1 height battle won, 1 slot battle won

Rewards payment (from ep506 result)
4ADA: 89%
F4ADA: 118%

Epoch 508 max rewards
4ADA: 115% 😁
F4ADA: 54% 😩

Happy staking! 💫
Epoch 508 Result
4ADA: 73% (24/24) - 1 slot battle won
F4ADA: 89% (8/8) - no battles

The abovementioned % are based on's slot leadership luck estimations (33 for 4ADA and 9 for F4ADA), since our own leadership calculation appears to have been incorrect (don't worry, this is just for the statistics—it has nothing to do with actual pool performance)

Rewards payment (from ep507 result)
4ADA: 89%
F4ADA: 86%

Epoch 509 max rewards
4ADA: 115%
F4ADA: 129%
[edit] These are the correct leaderlog calculation numbers!

To prove we successfully minted all of our assigned slots this epoch, please find the screenshots of our pool status windows (HB_P1=4ADA and HB_P2=F4ADA. As you can see at the bottom, leader=adopted, so no blocks were lost).

Happy staking! 💫